(1) Estes Termos e Condições se aplicam aos participantes do Programa de Afiliados de parceiros madre.school (o "Programa").
(2) Nestes Termos e Condições, "Empresa", "nós", "nos" e "nosso" significam madre.school, a marca de propriedade e operada por madre.school , uma empresa registrada no Brasil.
(3) Nestes Termos e Condições, "Afiliado", "você" e "seu" significam o indivíduo ou organização que está se candidatando para se tornar um participante do Programa e que aceitará estes Termos e Condições ao aderir ao mesmo.
(4) Ao aceitar estes Termos e
- 1.1 Nestes Termos e Condições, os seguintes termos terão os seguintes significados:
"Dia Útil"
significa qualquer dia diferente de sábado ou domingo que não seja um feriado bancário ou público;
"Data de Início"
significa a data de sua aceitação;
"Taxa de Comissão"
significa a porcentagem de comissão paga sobre a receita líquida de vendas estabelecida na Subcláusula 11.2;
"Informação confidencial"
cookies de terceiros não são colocados por nós; em vez disso, eles são colocados por terceiros que fornecem serviços para Nós e / ou para você. Os cookies de terceiros podem ser usados por serviços de publicidade para fornecer publicidade personalizada para você em nosso site, ou por terceiros que fornecem serviços analíticos para nós (esses cookies funcionarão da mesma forma que os cookies analíticos descritos acima).
"Vigência Atual"
significa a Vigência em que as Partes podem estar em um determinado momento;
"Referência Direta"
significa a venda de um Pacote de Serviço para um cliente que foi levado ao nosso site através do seu site, onde esse cliente pode ser rastreado diretamente do seu site para o nosso, sem quaisquer intermediários adicionais;
"Direitos de propriedade intelectual"
significa quaisquer direitos que subsistam em um trabalho de copyright, marca comercial, patente ou design e devem ser interpretados de acordo com a Lei de Desenhos e Patentes de 1988, a Lei de Marcas Registradas de 1994 e a Lei de Patentes de 1977;
"Endereço de e-mail registrado"
significa o endereço de e-mail do Afiliado conforme fornecido em seus Dados de Registro;
"Dados de Registro"
significa as informações fornecidas pelo Afiliado ao se registrar para inscrição no Programa;
"Pacote de Serviços"
significa um conjunto específico de serviços disponibilizados por nós por meio de nosso website, conforme definido na Cláusula 7; e
significa a vigência do Contrato, conforme definido na Cláusula 17 destes Termos e Condições, durante o qual você participará do Programa de acordo com os termos e condições estabelecidos no Contrato.
2.1 Ao se inscrever no Programa, você concorda que, no momento do registro, fornecerá Dados de Registro precisos e completos e que nos informará sobre quaisquer alterações em seus Dados de Registro.
2.2 Após a sua aceitação destes Termos e Condições, sujeito à nossa aprovação e subcláusula 2.4 abaixo, o acordo será considerado em vigor. Você não receberá um Acordo de Afiliado assinado em cópia impressa.
2.3 Podemos, a nosso exclusivo critério, revisar seu site após a aceitação destes Termos e Condições. Você será informado em até 10 dias úteis do resultado de sua inscrição. Após a aceitação destes Termos e Condições, você receberá mais instruções e orientações para permitir que você comece a comercializar nossos produtos.
2.4 Podemos, a nosso exclusivo critério, escolher rejeitar qualquer inscrição por qualquer motivo (e não temos a obrigação de divulgar tais motivos). Os motivos pelos quais um aplicativo pode ser rejeitado incluem, mas não estão limitados a, conteúdo em seu site que:
2.4.1 é de qualquer forma ilegal, prejudicial, ameaçador, obsceno, perturbador, discriminatório, difamatório ou de outra forma questionável;
2.4.2 facilita ou promove violência, terrorismo ou qualquer outra atividade criminosa;
2.4.3 é sexualmente explícito; ou
2.4.4 infringe, auxilia ou incentiva a violação de quaisquer direitos de propriedade intelectual pertencentes a qualquer parte.
3.1 Nada nestes Termos e Condições constituirá, ou será considerado para criar, uma parceria entre as Partes; nem, exceto conforme expressamente previsto, deverá designar, ou será considerada como designando, qualquer Parte como agente de qualquer outra Parte para qualquer finalidade.
3.2 Sujeito a quaisquer disposições expressas em contrário nestes Termos e Condições, você não terá nenhum direito ou autoridade para e não deverá praticar qualquer ato, celebrar qualquer contrato, fazer qualquer representação, dar qualquer garantia, incorrer em qualquer responsabilidade, assumir qualquer obrigação , expressa ou implícita, de qualquer tipo em nosso nome ou nos vincula de qualquer forma.
4.1 Em seu Painel de Afiliados estarão os materiais necessários para um hiperlink para nosso website. Esses materiais incluirão o código HTML para o link e / ou uma seleção de arquivos gráficos aos quais o código HTML deve ser aplicado.
4.2 O código HTML conforme aparece em seu Painel de Afiliados deve ser copiado exatamente e não alterado de nenhuma forma. O não cumprimento desta condição pode resultar no recebimento de nenhum crédito pelas vendas de Pacotes de Serviços gerados por meio de seu site.
4.3 Em nenhuma circunstância pode qualquer um dos arquivos gráficos fornecidos por nós ser modificado de qualquer forma sem nossa autorização prévia por escrito. Você não pode usar seus próprios arquivos gráficos para criar um link para o nosso site.
4.4 Todos os arquivos gráficos que podemos fornecer para uso como links podem ser exibidos em todo o seu site conforme você julgar apropriado, sujeito ao nosso consentimento prévio (que não deve ser negado sem razão), que deve ser obtido em todos os casos. Nós nos reservamos o direito de solicitar a alteração ou remoção de um link do seu site.
4.5 Você deve assumir total responsabilidade pela manutenção de todos os links de seu site para o nosso site.
5.1 Each Party shall be exclusively responsible for maintaining and updating its own website. Subject to the provisions of this Clause 5 and Clause 14 below, neither Party shall have any obligations to the other Party in relation to the maintenance or content of their website.
5.2 Subject to Sub-clause 5.3 of these Terms & Conditions, neither Party may host any content that:
5.2.1 is in any way unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, harassing, discriminatory, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;
5.2.2 facilitates or promotes violence, terrorism, or any other criminal activity;
5.2.3 is sexually explicit; or
5.2.4 infringes or assists or encourages the infringement of any intellectual property rights belonging to any party.
5.3 Neither Party shall be under any obligation to pre-screen any content added to their website by third parties; however in the event that either Party receives from the other a written notification of any content that falls within that described in Sub-clause 5.2 of this Agreement, such content must be removed within 5 Business Days of receipt of such notice.
6.1 As an affiliate, you are free to display pricing and other information relating to our Service Packages. It is your responsibility to keep such information up-to-date through your own efforts; we will not provide pricing information updates to you.
6.2 We reserve the right to alter pricing at any time in accordance with our own policies.
6.3 Your Responsibilities: As a madre.school Affiliate you agree that:
6.3.1 You are responsible for providing us with full and accurate account information and for keeping that information up to date. Such information might include but is not limited to: contact details, payment details, tax information and any other details we may require. We reserve the right to request additional data regarding all the websites where you promote madre.school and the promotional practices you use. Failure to provide accurate information may result in exclusion from the Program, suspension or termination of your Affiliate account and forfeiture of any commissions.
6.3.2 You should not create more than one Affiliate account.
6.3.3 You should act in good faith to refer customers in good standing.
6.3.4 You cannot refer yourself, and you will not receive a commission on your own accounts. You should not use our Program to refer companies that you own or in which you have shares or other interests.
6.3.5 You should not take actions or make recommendations to your referrals that result in a potential revenue loss for madre.school
6.3.6 You should not engage in incentivized programs and business-opportunity sites, using marketing practices that might be unethical or likely to attract customers, not in good standing.
6.3.7 You should not use on behalf of your referrals or encourage your referrals to use on their madre.school accounts any copyrighted or third-party material without the proper licenses.
6.3.8 You should not copy, alter or modify any icons, buttons, banners, graphics, files or content contained in madre.school. Links, including but not limited to removing or altering any copyright or trademark notices, without prior written approval from us.
6.3.9 You should not engage in any blackhat SEO/spam link building techniques in order to generate more referrals fo madre.school
6.3.10 Post ads on offensive, illegal, hateful, pornographic, or otherwise distasteful websites.
6.3.11 You agree not to violate any applicable law.
6.3.12 If we detect a pattern in your affiliate practices that in our reasonable opinion violates any aspect of the T&C, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your affiliate account and cancel all outstanding commission payments due.
6.4 Affiliate Advertising. Inappropriate ways of advertising include, but are not limited to:
6.4.1 Using any illegal or spam method of advertising, e.g. unsolicited email, an unauthorized placing of the link in forums, newsgroups, message boards etc.;
6.4.2 Bidding on keywords and phrases containing the madre.school trademark, or variations or misspellings of the trademarked term on Pay per Click or Pay per Impression campaigns on the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, Bing or others) without our prior approval. You are not allowed to use the madre.school Website(s) as display URL in PPC ads and to direct-link or redirect to the madre.school Website(s);
6.4.3 Using non-unique copyright infringing content to promote madre.school
6.4.4 Using traffic generated by pay to read, pay to click, banner exchanges, click exchanges, PPV advertising, pop-up/under, or similar methods;
6.4.5 Providing cash backs, rewards or any other kind of incentives to obtain the sale without our prior approval;
6.4.6 Offering price savings methods, including coupon(s), voucher(s), discount codes, or added value offers without our prior approval;
6.4.7 Using our advertising and promotional materials, trademark or name in a way which negatively affects our image;
6.4.8 Using iframes or any other techniques or technology that places your affiliate tracking cookie by any means other than an actual click-through;
6.4.9 Using link cloaking or masking techniques or technology with the goal to promote madre.school on websites and/or networks not explicitly listed in your affiliate profile and hiding that traffic source;
6.4.10 Your website(s) must NOT contain lewd, obscene, illegal or pornographic material or any other material that is deemed to be objectionable. This includes, but is not limited to, bigotry, hatred, pornography, satanic materials, trademark and copyright materials, all content of an adult nature, etc. The designation of any materials as such is subject to our reasonable opinion;
6.4.11 Your domain name(s), company name, logo, trademark, product(s), project(s), service(s) must NOT contain keywords and phrases containing the madre.school trademark or any other variations or misspellings confusingly similar to {Company Name} trademark, name, logo or domain name, without our prior approval;
6.4.12 Your domain name(s), company name, logo, trademark, your product(s), project(s), service(s) must NOT contain keywords and phrases that contain or are confusingly similar to third-party trademarks, names, logos or domain names, unless you have been duly authorised by the trademark owner.
6.4.13 {Company Name} shall have the sole right to decide if a promotional method you use is appropriate. The use of any advertising method that we consider inappropriate may result in warning, suspension or termination of your affiliate account and cancellation of all outstanding commission payments due.
We provide services through our website in courses and eventual bundles. Descriptions for these packages are available in our website. In your Affiliate Dashboard, you will be able to view all the products that you will get commission for.
8.1 Terms & conditions relating to the referral of customers to us via links on your website can be found on our website at https://www.madre.school/Affiliate-Program-Terms-Conditions.
8.2 We reserve the right to alter such terms & conditions at any time and will provide 10 Business Days’ written notice to you of any such alteration.
9.1 We undertake to use our best and reasonable endeavours to process and fulfil all orders for Service Packages placed by referred customers generated by affiliates.
9.2 We reserve the right to reject any orders that do not comply with the customer referral requirements detailed in Clause 8 of these Terms & Conditions.
9.3 It shall be our full responsibility to ensure that all orders are completed and that the provision of services is undertaken in accordance with our Service Level Agreements. We shall be responsible for order entry, payment processing, cancellations and all subsequent customer service. You shall have no further involvement with the customer or the completion of the transaction and all customers will be made aware of the same.
10.1 We will track the following elements of all sales:
10.1.1 origin;
10.1.2 Service Package selected; and
10.1.3 revenue generated.
10.2 Full reports of all sales generated through the links on your website will be available in your Affiliate Dashboard. We reserve the right to alter the form and content of such reports without notice.
11.1 You will be paid commission at the rates set out in Sub-clause 11.2 on the net profits of sales generated through your website.
11.2 Commission shall be calculated on the following basis:
11.2.1 Notwithstanding Sub-clause 11.2.3 all sales that result from Direct Referrals will attract a commission of 10% per paid value.
11.2.2 Cookies and IP logs will identify customers that have previously been referred through your website. In the event that such customers are identified, sales that do not fall within Sub-clause 11.2.2 will (unless referred directly from another affiliate’s website) attract a commission of 10%.
11.3 Sub-clause 11.2.3 shall apply only until the expiration or removal of our cookies by the customer or for a period of 30 days after the most recent Direct Referral for a particular customer, whichever is earlier.
11.4 In the event that a customer cannot be tracked, no commission will be paid.
11.5 Commission shall be calculated only once we have received payment in full from the customer. Only once payment has been received in full will sales be logged in your Affiliate Dashboard but will be shown as pending for 7 days after the order has been completed (this time period reflects the time limit set out in our Cancellations Policy).
11.6 Commission payouts will be scheduled for the 20th of every calendar month. Every affiliate will receive commissions only for subscriptions that have passed their 7 day limit, which reflects the “money-back guarantee”/refund period described in our Cancellations Policy.
11.7 Commissions will be sent to the PayPal email address of the Affiliate. Existing madre.school subscribers may get part of their commissions in the form of free courses or Promotional credits added to their accounts. Any subsequent commissions shall be sent to their PayPal account, as described above.
11.8 In the event of any refunds issued for any reasons including, but not limited to fraud and where such refunds are not incurred through any fault of ours, you may be contacted to arrange for the repayment of any related commission.
11.9 Any and all commission paid to you shall be based on sales revenue less any tax due; however, you may still be liable to pay tax on your commission. By accepting these Terms & Conditions you hereby acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the payment of tax on any income you may generate through your involvement in the Program.
11.10 We reserve the right to modify our Commission Rates at any time. You will be given 10 Business Days’ prior written notice (the “Notice Period”) of any such change. You will be given the option to opt out of the Program within the Notice Period and will, on the exercise of that option, be paid any Commission due to you, notwithstanding the total commission earnings requirement set out in Sub-clause 11.6 above.
12.1 Upon your entry into the Program, we shall grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable, royalty-free licence to use our logos and trademarks (our “Trade Marks”).
12.2 You may use our Trade Marks only to the extent required to establish links and perform your obligations as an Affiliate under these Terms & Conditions.
12.3 In the event that you wish to use our Trade Marks for any purposes outside of these Terms & Conditions you must not do so without prior written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
12.4 By accepting these Terms & Conditions you hereby agree that:
12.4.1 our Trade Marks shall remain the property of madre.school unless and until we assign those marks to a third party;
12.4.2 nothing in these Terms & Conditions shall be deemed to confer any ownership rights in our Trade Marks on you; and
12.4.3 you shall not contest the validity of our trade marks.
13.1 Unless otherwise expressly indicated we are the sole and exclusive owners of all Intellectual Property Rights (“IPRs”) in our website including, but not limited to: all code, text, sound, video, graphics, photographs and other images that form a part of the site. We shall also be the sole and exclusive owners of all IPRs which may subsist in any supporting documentation which shall include, but not be limited to, site plans, maps, design sketches and other preparatory material.
13.2 We shall be the sole and exclusive owners of all IPRs which may subsist in all future updates, additions and alterations to our website, such material including any supporting documentation.
14.1 In accepting these Terms & Conditions you hereby warrant and acknowledge that:
14.1.1 Your website does not and will not contain any content that:
a) is in any way unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, harassing, discriminatory, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;
b) facilitates or promotes violence, terrorism, or any other criminal activity;
c) is sexually explicit; or
d) infringes or assists or encourages the infringement of any intellectual property rights belonging to any party.
14.1.2 Your website is and shall remain functional and, subject to the provisions of Clause 19 of these Terms & Conditions, reasonable downtime for maintenance or third-party access restrictions, accessible to all users of the internet;
14.1.3 All necessary authorities, consents and approvals have been obtained in respect of your obligations under these Terms & Conditions and will remain valid and effective throughout the Term;
14.1.4 Your obligations under these Terms & Conditions shall constitute legal, valid and binding obligations on you. Such obligations shall be direct, unconditional and general obligations; and
14.1.5 You will not refer to us in any way in any unsolicited bulk email campaigns or other spamming practices that you may conduct.
14.2 By accepting these Terms & Conditions you agree that you shall indemnify us in full against all liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) awarded against or incurred or paid by us as a result of, or in connection with:
14.2.1 breach of any warranty given by you in relation to your website;
14.2.2 any claim that your website infringes the patent, copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights of any other person, except to the extent that the claim arises from compliance with any terms stipulated by us; and
14.2.3 any act or omission by you or your employees, agents or sub-contractors in performing your obligations under these Terms & Conditions.
15.1 We make no warranty or representation that our website, the Program, or Service Packages sold through the Program will meet your requirements or those of your visitors, that they will be of satisfactory quality, that they will be fit for a particular purpose, that they will not infringe the rights of third parties, that they will be compatible with all systems, that they will be secure and that all information provided will be accurate.
15.2 We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of our website or from enrolment in the Program.
15.3 We make no guarantee that our website shall remain functional and accessible to all users of the internet.
16.1 We shall not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss that you may suffer even if such loss is reasonably foreseeable or if we have been advised of the possibility of such loss being incurred.
16.2 Our entire liability to you in respect of any breach of our contractual obligations, any breach of warranty, any representation, statement or tortious act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with these Terms & Conditions or the Agreement shall be limited to R$ 1,00.
16.3 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms & Conditions, our liability to you for death or injury resulting from our own negligence or that of our employees, agents or sub-contractors shall not be limited.
17.1 These Terms & Conditions and The Agreement shall come into force and become binding on the Commencement Date and shall continue in force for a period of 12 months from that date (the “Initial Term”). Following the Initial Term, your enrolment in the Program shall be renewed automatically for successive periods of 12 months (each a “Renewal Term”) unless and until terminated in accordance with this Clause 17.
17.2 Either Party may terminate the Agreement by giving 10 Business Days’ prior written notice to the other:
17.2.1 at any time where the other Party has committed a material breach of these Terms & Conditions or the Agreement and such breach has remained unremedied 10 Business Days after receiving written notice of that breach; or
17.2.2 if the other Party enters into liquidation whether compulsory or voluntary (except for the purposes of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation with the prior written approval of the other Party), or compounds with or makes any arrangement with its creditors or makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or if it has a receiver, manager, administrative receiver or administrator appointed over the whole or substantially the whole of its undertaking or assets, or if it ceases or threatens to cease to carry on its business, or makes any material change in its business, or if it suffers any analogous process under any foreign law.
17.3 Either Party may request the termination of the Agreement at the end of the Current Term for any reason provided that written notice is given at least 10 Business Days before the end of the Current Term.
17.4 Upon the termination of the Agreement for any reason, you shall remove the links established under these Terms & Conditions.
17.5 Upon the termination of the Agreement for any reason, all licenses granted shall also terminate.
17.6 In the event that we terminate the Agreement in accordance with Sub-clause 17.2.1, any Commission owed to you at that time shall be forfeited.
18.1 Each Party (a “Receiving Party”) shall keep the Confidential Information belonging to the other Party (a “Supplying Party”) confidential and secret and shall not use or disclose or make the Confidential Information available, directly or indirectly, to any person other than its officers and employees who need the Confidential Information to enable the Receiving Party to perform its obligations under these Terms & Conditions and provided that such officers and employees are also obliged to keep such Confidential Information confidential and secret. The foregoing obligations shall not apply to any information acquired by the Receiving Party which:
18.1.1 at the time of its acquisition was in the public domain; or
18.1.2 at a later date comes into the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party.
18.2 Each Party hereby agrees and undertakes:
18.2.1 that all Confidential Information shall be and shall remain at all times the sole and exclusive property of the Supplying Party;
18.2.2 that its right to use Confidential Information shall wholly cease upon the termination of the Agreement; and
18.2.3 to return to the Supplying Party on termination of the Agreement all material embodying Confidential Information (including information stored on digital media) or any part thereof and all copies thereof.
Neither Party to these Terms & Conditions shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations where such failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond the reasonable control of that Party. Such causes include, but are not limited to, power failure, Internet Service Provider failure, industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, acts of terrorism, acts of war, governmental action or any other event that is beyond the control of the Party in question.
The Parties agree that in the event that one or more of the provisions of these Terms & Conditions is found to be unlawful, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, that / those provisions shall be deemed severed from the remainder of these Terms & Conditions. The remainder of the Terms & Conditions shall be valid and enforceable.
Unless otherwise stated in these Terms & Conditions, the Parties agree that all notices to be served under the Agreement shall be in writing and may be sent by email to the other Party’s Registered Email Address.
22.1 These Terms & Conditions shall embody and set forth the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties and shall supersede all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements relating to the Program or the relationship between the Parties. Neither Party shall be entitled to rely on any agreement, understanding or arrangement not expressly set forth in these Terms & Conditions, save for any representation made fraudulently.
22.2 Unless otherwise expressly provided elsewhere in these Terms & Conditions, the Agreement may be varied only by a document signed by both of the Parties.
23.1 No Waiver
The Parties shall agree that no failure by either Party to enforce the performance of any provision in these Terms & Conditions shall constitute a waiver of the right to subsequently enforce that provision or any other provision of these Terms & Conditions. Such failure shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach and shall not constitute a continuing waiver.
23.2 Non-exclusivity
The relationship between the Parties shall be and shall remain non-exclusive. Both parties are free to enter into similar relationships with other parties.
23.3 Non-assignment
Você não pode ceder nenhum ou todos os seus direitos ou obrigações sob estes Termos e Condições ou o Acordo sem nosso consentimento prévio por escrito, tal consentimento não deve ser negado injustificadamente.
24.1 Estes Termos e Condições e o Contrato serão regidos pelas leis da Inglaterra e País de Gales.
24.2 Qualquer disputa entre as Partes em relação ao Contrato será da competência dos tribunais da Inglaterra e País de Gales.